Is Your Manufactured Chimney Having Issues?
Most homes built within the last 30 years have manufactured chimneys. Also known as prefabricated and factory-built, this type of chimney is made to be used with a specific fireplace. It also usually comes with the chimney as a complete unit. If you are not sure if you have a masonry or a manufactured chimney, it is easy to find out by looking up past the damper. If you see a round metal chimney, you have a prefabricated system. You can also tell the difference by looking at the firebox to see if its walls consist of metal refractory panels. While this type of chimney system works safely and efficiently, it will eventually wear out. According to the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA), this can lead to possibly dangerous hazards. If you have noticed any issues with your manufactured system, Chim Cheree The Chimney Specialists is here to help. Since 1978, we have been providing superior professional chimney maintenance, repair, and installation services to the Upstate South Carolina area. We specialize in repairs to prefabricated fireplaces and chimneys. We would like to tell you about a couple of the most common problems we have seen and how we can solve these issues.
As your manufactured fireplace ages, the metal refractory panels in the firebox can suffer from cracking and other damage, especially if the cracks are large enough to fit a coin into, or when chunks fall out. This can lead to potentially hazardous issues. For example, when there are cracks in the firebox panels, heat is easily transferable. Repair cracks or other damage to the firebox panel before using your fireplace to avoid possible fires. Luckily, Chim Cheree The Chimney Specialists can make these important repairs to the firebox. If we find that the damage is beyond repair, our specialists can install new refractory panels to build a new firebox. Your manufactured fireplace have an expected lifespan of about 25 years. If the fireplace is approaching or past this age, we recommend getting your fireplace updated.
The installation process is crucial to the efficiency and safety of your chimney. The instructions from the manufacturer must be followed exactly. One of the most important reasons why has to do with the specified clearances from the system to the combustible parts of the home. If these exact clearances are not taken into consideration, there is a much higher chance of pyrolysis occurring. This means any wood that is too close to the chimney can catch fire at temperatures as low as 200 degrees Fahrenheit. You can trust Chim Cheree The Chimney Specialists to follow the proper clearances when installing a manufactured chimney. Our technicians have also received certifications from both the CSIA and the National Fireplace Institute (NFI). We can also check the clearances to make sure your chimney is up to the proper codes.
If you are having issues with your manufactured chimney, Chim Cheree The Chimney Specialists can find out the exact cause of your problem. Contact us today to schedule an appointment for a professional chimney inspection to make sure your chimney and fireplace system will work efficiently and safely this fall.