Parging Explained
Masonry restoration is not just tuckpointing; this type of repair work also includes a procedure called parging. This procedure is an economical way to improve the appearance of: concrete, brick, or stone wall, column, chimney, or foundation. Similar to stucco, parging is a layer of specially-mixed mortar. Do-it-yourself parging kits are available. However, it is recommended to use a professional masonry company – like Chim Cheree, The Chimney Specialists! Why? Simply because the right amount of the right ingredients are crucial in the mortar mix to get the parging to apply properly. Our masons are trained extensively and are experienced with the entire parging process. Now, we would like to explain to you exactly what parging is. In addition, how it can help you improve the look of your home.

Quality masonry repairs require special skills that have increased with our years of experience in fireplace rebuilds and renovations. You can count on Chim Cheree!
What exactly is parging?
A decorative masonry technique, parging is a coating of masonry mortar over a concrete, brick, or stone surface. It’s used to cover cracks and other imperfections. Parging is often used on older homes to restore masonry work and on foundations made of concrete block. However, parging can also be used on interior and exterior surfaces, according to the informational website, WiseGeek.
What are the ingredients in the parging mortar mix, and what happens if the ingredients are not used exactly as instructed?
Parging mortar is made from Portland cement, lime, masonry cement, and water. The crucial step to making the perfect parging mortar is the amount of water used. If too much water is added, the mortar will crack. Consequently, if not enough water is used, the mortar will not stick to the wall. The masons at Chim Cheree Chimney Specialists know exactly how much water to add, saving you time and money!
What are the conditions for correctly applying parging mortar?
The surface needs to be watered down enough to be wet before the application to ensure a smooth coating. The standard masonry trowel used to apply the mortar also needs to be wet during the job. This is to be sure the mixture is applied smoothly.
What are the benefits and disadvantages to parging?
Not only is parging an economical way to make a surface more attractive by covering cracks and other imperfections; it can also help to insulate concrete walls by sealing in small air cracks. It can also be painted; however, you need to check on the guidelines from the manufacturer before planning your paint job. The biggest disadvantage of parging is that it can be used to disguise serious structural damage in the foundation of a house. Unscrupulous home sellers can apply parging themselves to cover signs of damage, before they put their house on the market. Fortunately, most home inspectors can see through this disguise and alert a buyer of the true condition!
Do you have any other questions about parging – or any other type of masonry restoration or repair work,? If so, contact Chim Cheree, The Chimney Specialists today! Our experienced masons can assist you with whatever you may need.